Jurisdictions can use this capability to listen on new events
Jurisdicções podem usar essa capacidade para ouvir eventos novos
Indicates whether the component should stop any event processing/publicationThe bean name for the Request Handler (specifically for Spring MVC Servlet-based dispatchers)Is the thread blocked waiting for an entity to produce push payloadsSpecifies the fully qualified name of an interface for a target object to expose via JMX.Define the serialVersionUID for this classThe number of workers to create for this event processor.An alternative mechanism to skip estimating the time to dispatch an event or a batch of events, discarding volatile estimation measures and using derived external estimates instead.Should records be sorted in the reverse order specified by the {@link Comparator}.Payloads are consumed eagerly Z means that it has an instant response time Z causing false contention in some processorsNumber of threads to use for consuming of input events Disruptor default behaviour is a single consumer threadCompletes a pending transaction associated with a stateful component (such as an EJB or Hibernate Session) under test when the JBeret batch job completes.Returns the actual number of iterations executed (may not be the same as configured!)Returns a copy of this with the patching specified appended to the end of the source pathList of JavaScript dependencies that must be loaded before applying this addon"
compatibility: Not Available at Validator & Targets